Meat Puns
If puns were meats, this one would be the wurst A sign in the window reads CURED MEATS. Inside, a salami takes his first steps since the accident. A prosciutto learns to forgive. I’m bacon you…please! No more meat puns! OP’s puns meat our expectations today. Not the usual low quality spam. Which of the following doesn’t belong: wife, meat, eggs, blowjob? The blowjob. You can beat your wife, your eggs, or your meat; but you just can’t beat a blowjob. If a conservative is a vegetarian, he doesn’t` eat meat. If a liberal is a vegetarian, he wants all meat products banned for everyone. How many meat eaters does it take to change a lightbulb? None, they would rather stay in the dark about things. What do you call a vegetarian who goes back to eating meat? Someone who lost their veg-inity! Meat-eater: Did you hear about the new study saying vegans are more likely to go blind? I guess it’s because you don’t get the proper nutrition. Are you spaghetti cause I want you to...